Work atmosphere

19 september 2022

A good working atmosphere is very important, for both you and your colleagues. A good atmosphere increases performance and quality of work, reduces absenteeism and everyone goes to work with more pleasure! 

But how do you make sure the work atmosphere goes up?

There are countless tips to increase this such as motivating, setting goals, scheduling activities and asking for help when you need it, but the easy tip we can give is giving a compliment.

A compliment is easy to do and it gives immediate results! This could be something simple about a nice piece of clothing someone is wearing, for example. Giving a compliment about a task or assignment that has been done also works very well. By giving the compliment in a personal way, you also connect with your colleagues faster and are more willing to help each other out. A tip for this is to mention the person's name when giving a compliment. This lets them know right away that it is really meant to them and it feels much more personal.

And perhaps best of all: those who give compliments (often) can expect them back - who doesn't want that!

On your next working day, try really letting others know that they are doing a nice job and you will soon see that you will also hear them back?